Monday to Thursday - 10AM to 5PM


October 14, 1998

Sen RK, Goni V, Nagi ON Anatomical factors in elbow dislocations Ind J Ortho 1998;32:79-81.

August 12, 1998

Kaushal M,Chabra MS, Sen RK. Management of unstable tibial & diaphyseal fractures by Ext. Fixators.Med Jour Armed Forces Ind. 1998;54:319-21.

August 10, 1998

Sen RK, Bedi GS, Nagi ON. Fracture epiphyseal separation of the distal humerus. Australas Radiol. 1998 Aug;42(3):271-4. PubMed PMID: 9727266.

June 12, 1998

Ram S, Sen RK, Nagi ON. Fat Embolism Syndrome-an avoidable evil. Current Med Jour 1998;6.59-62.

May 17, 1998

Sen RK, Gill SS, Nagi ON. Osgood Schlatter disease in Adults. Bull PGI 1998;32:140-2 .

May 16, 1998

Sen RK, Bedi GS, Banta K, Nagi ON, Effect of lntermediate Medical Intervention in Trauma triage. BulI PGI 1998;32:117-20.

May 12, 1998

Sen RK, Awasthy B,Varma LR, Thakur SR. Snow Injuries. Ind J Ortho 1998;33:200-1.

March 28, 1998

Goni VG, Sen R K, Nagi ON. Humerus fractures in Arm Wrestlers. Quart J Surg Sciences 34,3-4,85-88, 1998. Nagi ON

March 15, 1998

Ram S, Sen RK, Nagi ON Osteoporosis-an Orthopaedic Perspective. Current Med Jour 1998,4:7-14.

March 11, 1998

Sen RK, Nagi ON: Analysis of bacterial contamination in prediction of infection. Neid Iijdsckr Traum 1998 supple 138 (abstract).

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