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November 18, 2015

How to treat Arthritis and Joint Replacement

By: Web admin |

Arthritis means join inflammation. Actually, “arthritis” is not a single disease; it is an informal way of referring to joint pain or joint disease. There are more than 100 different types of arthritis and related conditions. Arthritis is more common among adults ages or older but people of all ages can be affected.

Symptoms of arthritis:

Arthritis symptoms can develop gradually or suddenly. There are four key warning signs of arthritis.

  • Pain: Pain from arthritis can be constant, or it may come and go. Pain might be isolated to one place or move in many parts of the body
  • Swelling: Some types of arthritis cause the skin over the affected joint to become red and swollen, feeling warm to the touch
  • Stiffness: Stiffness is a typical arthritis symptom, especially when waking up in the morning or after sitting at a desk or riding in a car for a long time
  • Difficulty moving a joint: Moving a joint or getting up from a chair should not be hard or painful.

What causes arthritis?

There is no one permanent cause for arthritis; the cause depends on the type or form of arthritis. some causes for arthritis may include:

  • Injury – leading to degenerative arthritis.
  • Abnormal metabolism – leading to gout and pseudo gout.
  • Inheritance – such as in osteoarthritis.
  • Infections – such as in the arthritis of Lyme disease.
  • Overactive immune system – such as RA and SLE.
  • Pregnancy – low back pain often occurs in pregnancy.

TYPES OF arthritis:

There are 100 types of arthritis which are divided into seven main groups.

  • Inflammatory arthritis
  • Degenerative or mechanical arthritis
  • Soft tissue musculoskeletal pain
  • Back pain
  • Connective tissue disease
  • Infectious arthritis
  • Metabolic arthritis


To help your doctor diagnose the type of arthritis, be specific in examining the join of pain, when it started, related symptoms, and any history of chronic conditions. Your doctor will probably not need to order X-rays, CT (Computed Tomography) or MRI(Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scans before starting treatment. Of the two, MRI is the modality of choice.


The focus of treatment for arthritis is to control pain, minimize joint damage and improve or maintain function and quality of life.

  • Rest: Ceasing activity for a few days allows injured tissue and even nerve roots to begin to heal, which in turn will help relieve arthritic joints. However, more than a few days of rest can lead to a weakening of the muscles, and weak muscles have to struggle to adequately support the spine. Patients who do not regularly exercise to build strength and flexibility are more likely to experience recurrent or prolonged lower back pain.
  • Heat and Ice Packs: Heat and/or cold therapy helps relieve reducing inflammation. Often patients use ice, but some prefer heat. Both may be used alternately.
  • Medications: A wide variety of over-the-counter and prescription medications is available to help reduce arthritic problem. Many medications reduce inflammation, which is often a cause of pain, while others work to inhibit the transmission of pain signals from reaching the brain. Each medication has multiple unique risks, possible side effects and drug (or food or supplement) interactions, which need to be evaluated by a physician.
  • Keep your weight down: Doctor Advice to arthritis patients to down the weight and avoid the heavy weight gain food.
  • Drugs: we have few drug cures for arthritis. Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) used to treat RA,DMARDs slow or stop your immune system from attacking your joints.
  • Surgery: In the presence of neurological symptoms or deficit or intractable pain, surgical intervention is indicated. Common conditions needing surgery are disc disease, spinal canal stenosis and unstable vertebral articulation.
  • The following types of surgery:

    • Tendons repaired
    • Synovectomy
    • Osteotomy
    • Arthrodesis
    • Arthoplasty

Joint replacement:

Joint replacement surgery means replacement of one or both joint surface with artificial material. The goal of the procedure is to relieve pain and restore a sense of normal function and mobility into the damaged joint. Joint replacement surgeries are recommended for patients experiencing severe pain and disability as a result of progressive arthritis. The two major features have helped the joint replacement.

  • Metal and plastic: The most hip arthroplasties today use a metal component in the thigh bone, which fits in a plastic socket in the pelvis. The hip is where the femur (thigh bone) meets the pelvis in a ball and socket joint. The hip can undergo degenerative changes due to arthritis, and surgery may be necessary to relieve pain from the condition. There are many surgical options to treat hip pain due to arthritis, including total replacement of the hip joint, and more.
  • Plastic cement: The second important feature is that the components are locked into position by plastic cement. when the component are locked with plastic cement the patient can be mobilized quickly.
  • Hip replacement is a major procedure: replacing a hip is a major procedure issue not to be under-taken lightly.for hip replacement the arthritis patients health is good and the hearts and lungs are in good working order. Hip replacement is a major surgery. Recovery often requires several months of physical therapy. Many, but not all, surgeons recommend that their patients limit or avoid high-impact activities, such as running or jumping, which might damage or dislocate a new hip. For these reasons, a concerted effort to exhaust all non-surgical treatments, such as medication and joint-strengthening physical therapy, is recommended before considering total hip replacement surgery. The patient’s vital signs are checked to make sure blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature, and oxygenation levels are normal and surgery can proceed. A mark is made on the hip undergoing surgery. A patient may receive general anesthesia (be put to sleep) or be given a regional anesthesia to block sensation from the waist down, along with a relaxant. The type of anesthesia a patient receives is decided well ahead of time.

Some main points must be consider for hip arthroplasty:

  • Age an important consideration: one important consideration is arthritis patients age, because the surgeons do not know exactly how long it is before the joint wears out or before it loosen. the surgeons prefer to operate on patients over 55.the success rate ,particularly in relieving pain is high but nevertheless complications do occur.
  • Waiting lists: after the discussion between a rheumatologist and an orthopaedic surgeon if the patient accepted for hip arthroplasty name of patient put into the waiting list.
  • The operation:the hip replaced operation will be done in two or three days. Different surgeons have different policies about the care of patients after the operation. many surgeons advise their patients to lie flat in bed for a few days with their legs separated by a pillow.
  • Convalescence: after the hip replacement immedialely do not sit or squat or bend your legs up in the bed.

2 thoughts on “How to treat Arthritis and Joint Replacement”

  1. I am a patient of AVN after detection of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis at age of 13. I am 33 today. Seem Pain in my hip in increasing and as doctors say. I need a surgery. I am worried for I work and want to join my work asap. How soon can I do that if I go THR. And I need some courage counselling as well to get ready

  2. Sir excellent article. Sir pl update what changes are there according to recent treatment protocols….

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